Setting fishing quotas in 2017
What is AFH?
AFH means Association Française d’Halieutique.
This is a French association of 200 researchers working in fisheries sciences created in 1994. The scientists of the association are from diverses domains and organisms: Ifremer, IRD, AGROCAMPUS OUEST (ex Ensar), CNRS, Inra, Cemagref, ONEMA, Universités and other French research organisms.
Its objective is to contribute to the « dynamism of researches on assessment and modelling of aquatic resources and fisheries systems ». It aims at associating people of different research fields in a common movement: population dynamics, quantitative ecology, biometrics, econometrics, systemic, … The AFH wants to promote synergies and research collaborations between different teams, to progress in conceptual thinking and in the definition of subject of common interest.
Recently, the association decided to have a voice in debates and to give its opinion on the news in fisheries science. Members participate to meeting and internal conference to produce short position papers for newspapers or long articles.