[dépassé] 2012_06 : FNFC project manager, Fisheries Planning and Policy
Deadline: 22 Juin 2012
Description du poste ici
[dépassé] 2012_06 : Offres Post-doc et PhD
Associate Position Department of Biology – James Madison University
IFREMER: VSC Halieutique/Génétique des populations, Ile de la Réunion
Microbial controls on organic nitrogen cycling
Ecological modeling, time-series, and ecosystem management Post-Doc in Environmental Flows
Sujet de thèse financé/Ecole Doctorale Université de La Réunion
13 funded 3-year jobs with PhD-level training
PhD in plankton ecolog
[dépassé] 2012_06 : Project Officer, NFDS Africa
NFDS Africa is looking for a Project Officer to work with a small office based in the outskirts of Gaborone, Botswana.
NFDS Africa is a Fisheries and Natural Resources consultancy company that works mainly on fisheries and development projects within Africa. These are usually implemented on behalf of and/or funded by inter‐governmental organizations (such as the UN, World Bank, African Union, SADC, and the EU) and/or national development agencies (such as DFID and NORAD) or by NGOs or private clients. NFDS Africa is a sister company to Nordenfjeldske Development Services (NFDS) of Norway and the two companies work in close cooperation.
Our portfolio of projects is varied; some have been on‐going for more than five years, while others are shorter term. The scope of our current portfolio includes; assisting Mozambique to monitor and control their fishery sector; co‐ordination of the Stop Illegal Fishing Working Group (www.stopillegalfishing.com); working with Liberia in their fisheries sector governance and management; developing national, regional and pan‐African fishery policy; coordinating actions and regional cooperation against illegal fishing; developing strategic plans for inland and marine fisheries; analysis of fisheries access agreements; working towards climate change adaptation and disaster risk management for fishers; general fisheries training and developing training material; and preparation, and evaluation of projects.
[dépassé] 2012_06 : L’ULCO ouvre une campagne de recrutement d’ATER
L’ULCO ouvre une campagne de recrutement d’ATER
du 21 mai 2012 au 8 juin 2012
date de réception des dossiers à la
DRH BUREAU DES ENSEIGNANTS (cachet de la poste faisant foi).
Les candidats devront obligatoirement candidater sur la base de recrutement de l’ULCO: https://recrutements-enseignants.extranet.univ-littoral.fr/ et nous faire parvenir impérativement les pièces demandées pour le 8 juin 2012 (cachet de la poste faisant foi) à l’adresse suivante :
Division des Ressources Humaines – Bureau des enseignants
1 place de l’Yser
BP 1022
59375 Dunkerque cedex 1