2017: SAERI Job opportunity
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute has a vacancy for a Project Manager – GIS and Data Manager.
Based in Stanley, Falkland Islands. Competitive Salary and tax rates
Job Purpose: To provide GIS support to Falkland Islands Government (FIG) officers, SAERI employees and projects, NGOs in the Falkland Islands, the wider UKOTs and to manage aspects of the Falkland Islands Information Management System and GIS (IMS-GIS) Data Centre.
2017: PhD: Climate, fisheries and food web dynamics in the Barents Sea, modelling plausible futures
Projet de thèse financé dans le cadre du projet national Norvégien « l’héritage de Nansen »: La thèse s’intitule: Climate, fisheries and food web dynamics in the Barents Sea, modelling plausible futures
2017: Director of Environment & Fisheries – Government of South Georgia & The South Sandwich Islands
2017: Vacant four year position in fisheries management – FarFish project – University of Norway
Please distribute the announcement of this position in fisheries management with deadline 1st of October.
2017_Research position in fisheries management at UiT
Research position in fisheries management at UiT that is connected to the FarFish project
2017_PhD project available in Marine Ecology
Maximising positive outcomes for threatened species from coastal infrastructure upgrades* A PhD scholarship is available at Southern Cross University (SCU), Australia to work on a collaborative research project with the NSW Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries (DPI Fisheries) at the National Marine Science Centre (Coffs Harbour).
2017_2 Postdoc positions available at the AWI
I would like to advertise 2 postdoc positions on the impact of global change on marine plankton and on bentho-pelagic coupling in the North Sea. The candidates will be hired for a period of 3 years.
2017_ GIS and Data Management Position in SAERI
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute has a vacancy for a Project Manager – GIS and Data Manager.