2017 – Thèse à l’Ifremer Bretagne, STH Sciences et Techniques Halieutiques
Caractérisation et connectivité des zones fonctionnelles halieutiques des stades adulte et juvénile du bar européen.
Caractérisation et connectivité des zones fonctionnelles halieutiques des stades adulte et juvénile du bar européen.
An exciting postdoctoral research fellow opportunity is available at the University of Queensland with the McDonald-Madden lab which focuses on solving complex environmental decisions.
L’IRD recrute par voie de concours externes 30 chercheur(e)s ; 15 Directeurs(trices) de Recherche et 15 Chargé(e)s de Recherche de 2ème classe.
La date limite de dépôt des dossiers est le 18 avril 2017.
J’attire votre attention sur les 6 postes de CR de la CSS 3 « Sciences des systèmes écologiques » et de la CSS5 « Sciences des données et des modèles » qui sont totalement ouverts
Postdoc positions, 1 junior research group leader position and 1PhD position, which will be the first scientists to be hired in the new Helmholtz-Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB) that will be established on the campus of the University of Oldenburg as a collaborative effort of the University Oldenburg and the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research. With these positions, HIFMB initiates first projects during the startup phase of the new institute, aiming at empirical, statistical and theoretical ecology to address the functional role of biodiversity in marine ecosystems and understanding the general principles constraining this role. We would be happy if you could transfer these announcements to excellent candidates potentially interested in developing these projects with us.
Une offre de poste permanent d’un ingénieur halieutique est ouvert dans le laboratoire d’halieutique méditerranéenne de l’Ifremer / UMR Marbec: http://wwz.ifremer.fr/Nous-rejoindre/Offres-d-emploi-stage/Ingenieur-Halieute-H-F
2 offres provenant de Biotope pour un poste de Biologie Marine et un poste de Biostatisticien.
Missions : The private company CREOCEAN and the public research institute IRD have decided to collaborate to develop a CIFRE thesis project focusing on the development of a Decision Support Toolbox (DST) fitted to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in tropical ecosystems. Funding: IRD/CREOCEAN IRD (Development Research Institute) is a French public research institution, quite unique within the European research landscape as it focuses on supporting the development of high quality research in developing countries.
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