2018: Poste chercheur en écologie microbienne appliquée à l’aquaculture (H/F) – Sète
2018: PhD opportunity: Assessing MPA efficacy and adaptive management of the common skate
Assessing MPA efficacy and adaptive management of the common skate: integrating population genomics, tagging and modelling to determine connectivity, abundance & recruitment
Supervisors: Catherine S Jones (University of Aberdeen c.s.jones@abdn.ac.uk ), Peter Wright (Marine Scotland, Aberdeen P.J.Wright@marlab.ac.uk ) & David Donnan (Scottish Natural Heritage)LIRE LA SUITE –>
2018: PhD offer – Response of migratory salmonids populations to global changes
We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated student to join our group for a 3-years PhD fellow based in the Ecology and Ecosystem Health research Unit at INRA-Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes, Brittany, France).LIRE LA SUITE –>
2018: Post-doc Ifremer Port-en-Bessin
l’Ifremer propose un poste de post-doctorat de 18 mois au sein de l’Unité Halieutique Manche Mer du Nord (positionné au laboratoire de Ressources Halieutiques de Port-en-Bessin), axé sur un développement méthodologique pour l’évaluation des stocks de raies en Manche. Ce post-doc s’inscrit dans le projet InterReg SUMARiS (description ici).
Vous trouverez davantage de détails sur le poste offert dans le fichier joint, la date limite pour les candidatures est fixée au 10 septembre 2018 (post-docs 2018-2019).
2018: Fisheries scientist job opening at WMR – Netherlands
It’s a job with a lot of freedom and potential to develop / continue your own line of research, depending on the experience the applicant brings.
2018: Position at Thünen institute
Job description for a position at the institute of sea fisheries in Bremerhaven. The position is associated with the EU project Pandora 18-128-SF-engl