2018: Profil de poste halieutes-MNHN_2018
Le MNHN recrute un(e) modélisateur(trice) halieute ayant de bonnes connaissances en analyses statistiques et modélisation pour prendre en charge la partie « évaluation de stocks » des pêcheries australes. Profil de poste halieutes-MNHN_2018
2018: Post-doc Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli
Postdoc (2 ans) « Approche de modélisation pour la gestion durable des ressources halieutiques en Corse » intégré au projet MOONFish Fiche Postdoc-IR MOONFISH_format_pub
2018: Research Assistant in acoustics and optical survey technologies
Job opening for a new contract position as a research assistant/specialist to work with our Marine Spatial Ecology Division Habitat Mapping Team to continue developing methods for marine ecosystem assessments using acoustics and optical systems. https://jobs-css.icims.com/jobs/1896/acoustics-research-assistant/job
For specifics on research projects, please contact chris.taylor@noaa.gov.LIRE LA SUITE –>
2018: Post-doc offer in hydrodynamics – Lagrangian connectivity, Ifremer
Ifremer invites applications for a post-doctoral fellowship (1.5 year contract, beginning 2018) in hydrodynamics – Lagrangian connectivity. The position is opened within the framework of two european programs : CoClime and PrimRose. SUJETS POST-DOCTORAUX 2018_connectivite
2018: OSMOSE post-doc available at IFM Geomar in Kiel
Job offer to the WGIPEM group (and to the wider OSMOSE community). This post-doc position will
advance and apply OSMOSE for the northern Humboldt EBUS. This is part of a larger effort to examine trophic transfer efficiency using mesocosm
experiments, field cruises and laboratory experiments performed in collaboration with IMARPE. This modelling work is in the group of
Andreas Oschlies. The person would also collaborate with me in Hamburg.
To find out more about this opportunity, iterested folks can contact Andreas or Ivy Fenger (both cc-ed).
2018: CDD Ifremer de 18 mois sur l’évaluation du stock de morue
Poste ouvert à Ifremer Port-en-Bessin : CDD de 18 mois sur l’évaluation du stock de morue, au cours duquel il faut prévoir 10 mois à passer à Saint-jean de Terre Neuve au Canada.
2018: Cefas Position (UK) – Ecosystem Scientist/ Offre d’emploi au Cefas (UK) – Ecosystem Scientist