2017: Post-doc ou ingénieur avec expérience, Ifremer Brest
Etude de la distribution des bioconstructions et de la connectivité chez l’annélide polychète marin grégaire Sabellaria alveolata (Hermelles).
Etude de la distribution des bioconstructions et de la connectivité chez l’annélide polychète marin grégaire Sabellaria alveolata (Hermelles).
Contact : Paul Marchal (Paul.Marchal@ifremer.fr)
Development of a formal procedure to optimize the calibration and strengthen the robustness of a complex ecosystem model: Atlantis
A post-doctoral position is available to study the biology and physiology of migrating eel and Atlantic salmon at the University of Namur, BE*
A post-doctoral position is available immediately to start working on the physiological and health status of migrating eel Anguilla anguilla and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar inhabiting the Meuse river basin, Belgium.
the Institute of Marine Research (Bergen/Norway) has an opening for a permanent position as a senior ocean modeler.
Titre du projet: Etude de la distribution des bioconstructions et de la connectivité chez l’annélide polychète marin grégaire Sabellaria alveolata (Hermelles).
The South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute has a vacancy for a Project Manager – GIS and Data Manager.
Based in Stanley, Falkland Islands. Competitive Salary and tax rates
Job Purpose: To provide GIS support to Falkland Islands Government (FIG) officers, SAERI employees and projects, NGOs in the Falkland Islands, the wider UKOTs and to manage aspects of the Falkland Islands Information Management System and GIS (IMS-GIS) Data Centre.
Projet de thèse financé dans le cadre du projet national Norvégien « l’héritage de Nansen »: La thèse s’intitule: Climate, fisheries and food web dynamics in the Barents Sea, modelling plausible futures
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