As part of the Marine Collaboration Research Forum, Marine Scotland Science and the University of Aberdeen are co-funding a PhD titled: Developing an evidence base and methodology for the assessment of fish and shellfish stocks using Remote Electronic Monitoring data.

For details see:

We are re-advertising this project and looking for either an October 2017 or January 2018 start date. Could you please circulate this opportunity to well-qualified individuals who would be interested in and suited to the application of technology to sustainable fisheries management?

The application deadline is: 25/08/2017.

We are currently seeking a motivated and quantitatively minded candidate for an 18-month postdoc fellowship within the Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics (DYNECO: at Ifremer, Brest, France. The project is to start in late 2017.

The proposed research will aim at developping a mechanistic model of soft-sediment benthic communities dynamics that will explicitly capture interactions between key commercial (e.g. scallops) and ecologically-significant (e.g. ecosystem engineer such as the invasive slipper limpet) species in western Brittany, France.

The summary of the research proposal. Interested candidates can contact me for further details. The deadline for application is August, 27th 2017

We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated researcher to join our group for a 2-years post-doctoral fellow (starting late 2017-early 2018) based in the Fisheries Ecology group, research unit Ecology and Ecosystem Health, Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes, France).

The researcher will develop integrated population dynamic models to explore the meta-population dynamics of nursery-dependent flatfish in the Eastern Channel, and its consequences on stock assessment and for spatial management.

A detailed description of the post-doctoral position

For further information and application, please contact Dr Etienne RIVOT ; Agrocampus Ouest, UMR ESE Ecology and Ecosystem Health, Fisheries Ecology Group ; ; tel : +33 2 23 48 59 34.

The closing date for application is 30th of September 2017. Please apply preferentially by email, enclosing your CV.

Please distribute this message to anyone that you think may be interested or to any group or institution that might have suitable candidates

Ifremer recrute deux ingénieurs pour renforcer les équipes du Système d’Informations Halieutiques. Les offres sont consultables sur les liens suivants :
Ingénieur validation et valorisation des données du SIH :

Coordinateur opérationnel des actions Obsdeb et Géolocalisation du SIH :

Les candidatures sont à transmettre directement en ligne, avant le 27/07/2017.