2017_Postdoc and PhD positions in marine interdisciplinary science and shark fisheries at Newcastle University
Postdoc – 4 years with Professor Selina Stead (http://www.ncl.ac.uk/marine/staff/profile/selinastead) at Newcastle University
Research Associate/Assistant in Marine Interdisciplinary Solutions for Policy Change
Reference: D70007R(http://bit.ly/2qQxjv8), deadline for applications is midnight 30 June 2017
This is a rare opportunity for an ambitious individual looking to influence the future direction of marine interdisciplinary research at Newcastle University. Working closely with Professor Selina Stead the ideal candidate will have experience in applied statistics/modelling of quantitative and qualitative datasets, publications in good journals and grant income experience.
The research background of the candidate can be flexible but experience of working internationally will be an advantage.
PhD – Socio-ecological indicators for sustainable management of global marine biodiversity using sharks as a model species
https://www.findaphd.com/search/PhDDetails.aspx?CAID=3509&LID=177 (deadline for applications is 16 June 2017 to start October 2017) with Professor Selina Stead (Newcastle University), Dr Martyn Lucas (Durham University) and Dr Steve Newman, The Banyan Tree.
This ambitious interdisciplinary research project will develop socio-ecological indicators for fishery policy and science advisers worldwide to determine the effectiveness of fishery bans and Marine Protected Areas, using sharks as a model species in protecting marine biodiversity.
Fieldwork will be conducted in the Maldives.
This project was selected for consideration for funding as part of a NERC Doctoral Training Centre (IAPETUS) scholarship scheme. An important criteria for success in winning this scholarship will depend on the quality of the candidate. Therefore, candidates with a first class honours degree, distinction at MSc level, experience in modelling/fieldwork and journal publications will be at an advantage. International candidates are unfortunately not eligible for funding through this NERC funding call.