Dans le cadre du projet ACE-ICSEN, le CEARC de l’Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines engage un post-doc en CDD pour une durée de 1 an (peut-être renouvelable 1 an) au profil interdisciplinaire à l’interface science-société et économie-écologie. Pour ce projet, nous recherchons un profil mixte quantitatif (modélisation économique) et qualitatif (enquêtes et entretiens)

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The School of Economics at University of Sydney has put out in JoE

 The School will be looking to possibly make more than one appointment, and candidates with research interest in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics (JEL code Q) will be seriously considered.  Closing date is 28th of this month, and preliminary interviews will be held at the ASSA meeting in Chicago in January.

ACTeon is a French-based human size (20 staff) research and consultancy company, active in the field of EU environment policy. It is specialised in the “soft” components of environmental management and policy, i.e. social values & perceptions, economic values – including values of ecosystem’s services, the search for adequate incentives (knowledge, processes, economic instruments) to steer change in behaviour, prospective and policy (ex-ante and ex-post) evaluation, governance & institutions, and mediation & communication. ACTeon is providing support to policy development and implementation in the field of water, marine resources, biodiversity, climate change and adaptation, agriculture and the environment, renewable energy, etc.  The geographic focus of activities includes France, Europe (other European countries & EU level initiatives), the Mediterranean Sea and the Caucasus regions. For more information: www.acteon-environment.eu


SLU Aqua now has a number of postdoc and PhD student positions open. We would be grateful if you can help distribute the information to potential applicants.

Postdoc position on:

PhD student positions on :