2014_10: Postdoctoral Opportunity: Ecopath-Ecospace Modeling for Fisheries Management
The research group on Fisheries Ecology, Management and Economy at University Federal of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Brazil LIRE LA SUITE –>
The research group on Fisheries Ecology, Management and Economy at University Federal of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Brazil LIRE LA SUITE –>
The NF-UBC Nereus Program (www.nereusprogram.org) of the University of British Columbia is looking for a PhD student LIRE LA SUITE –>
The School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences has an outstanding opportunity for a postdoctoral Research Associate to join a collaborative project with the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) and the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (University of Washington). LIRE LA SUITE –>
Deadline: opened until filled
The University of Nantes and Ifremer seek highly motivated candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship in numerical ecology for twelve months. LIRE LA SUITE –>
Plus d’infos
L’association Globice recrute un chargé de mission « accompagnement des projets d’aménagement » pour un CDD de 12 mois du 1er décembre 2014 au 30 novembre 2015
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