2013_11: Asst/Assoc Prof, Marine Resource Econ, Virginia Inst of Marine Science (VIMS), USA
Three positions are available at Ghent University – Marine Biology Research Group, Belgium:
– Informatician Software Development (MARBIO-EDU-01)
– Scientific Assistant (MARBIO-EDU-02)
– Scientific Assistant (MARBIO-EDU-03)
Detailed job descriptions (in Dutch and English) can be found in attachment.
Any interested candidates should send a motivation letter and CV to Tim Deprez (tim.deprez@ugent.be) and Magda Vincx (magda.vincx@ugent.be) before September 29th, 2013 – 16:00.
Dr. Tim Deprez
Marine Biology Research Group
Krijgslaan 281/S8
B9000 Gent
Phone: + 32 (0) 9 264 85 16
Mobile: +32 (0) 497 60 62 73
Skype: tim.deprez.ugent
MARES coordination: http://www.mares-eu.org
EMBC+ coordination: http://www.embcplus.org
EConsort development: http://econsort.ugent.be
For more Euromarine news, please visit http://www.euromarineconsortium.eu/news
Further information can be found here: http://www.helsinki.fi/science/fem/files/PhD_position.pdf
We are looking to find a statistician with experience of Bayesian hierarchical modelling to work on forecasting salmon populations in Ireland.
Obviously a knowledge of salmon ecology would be advantages, an interest in ecology may suffice:
The Marine Institute, Ireland, have a 12 month position for a statistical ecologist to develop Bayesian forecasting of salmon populations,
This is under the FP7 ECOKNOWS project.
Details are attached and advertised on the website at the following link:
http://www.marine.ie/home/aboutus/jobs/vacancies/This position is being re-advertised,
Closing date for applications is 17:00 on Friday 27th September 2013
Jonathan White PhD
Wild Salmon Group, Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services
Marine Institute
Oranmore, Galway, Ireland
+353 (0)91 387361
Date limite 19/08/2013. Thèse en modélisation / Cartographie. A télécharger ici.
Date limite 09/09/2103. Thèse en traitement du signal acoustique. A télécharger ici.
Centre for Ocean Life http://www.oceanlifecentre.dk
For more Euromarine news, please visit http://www.euromarineconsortium.eu/news
Centre for Ocean Life (www.OceanLifeCentre.dk) offers a number of 3-year PhD scholarships within the general topic of Marine Ecology. The PhD students will be employed at DTU Aqua (The National Institute for Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Charlottenlund, Denmark), or at one of the collaborating institutes or universities in the Copenhagen area.
The overarching goal of the Centre is to develop trait-based models of marine ecosystems. We do this through three interconnected main activities: (i) Identification of essential traits and quantification of the associated tradeoffs for the main life forms in the ocean (from microbes to mammals); (ii) development of trait based models of marine populations, communities, and ecosystems; (iii) descriptions of spatio-temporal patterns and distributions of species and ‘traits’ in marine systems. Further information on these main activities and examples of possible projects can be found on the Centre’s homepage.
There are two marine mathematics PhD project, fully funded, at Strathclyde University…
The Centre for Environmental and Resource Economics (CERE) s offering a 3-year post-doc position (stipend) starting September 2013 (or by agreement).
See announcement at http://www.umu.se/english/about-umu/news-events/grants/223-1085-13
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