2013_08: Post-doc vacancy Marine Ecologist (trawling impacts), Bangor
deadline : 1er août
2013_06: Ecological modeling position, California
[open until filled]
Description du poste
2013_05: RESEARCH ASSISTANT FELLOWSHIP The Centro de Oceanografia, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
[deadline : 20 May 2013]
The Centro de Oceanografia, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon is seeking a RESEARCH ASSISTANT to work in the framework of the project “BioConnect – Connectivity among estuarine and coastal fish populations: Natural tags as a tool for management and conservation”
Ref. PTDC/MAR/117084/2010, financed by national funds through FCT/MEC (PIDDAC).
WORKING PLAN: The successful candidate will be in charge of DNA extraction and purification of different fish species, amplification of genetic markers using PCR as well as sequencing and validation of the markers. Also, he/she will apply different methodologies of data analysis and participate in the production of scientific papers. He/She will work closely with the research team of the project however; the ability to work and complete tasks independently is expected. Finally, the successful candidate will need to be available for short-term visits tothe University of Vigo, Spain. QUALIFICATIONS: A Bachelor or MSc degreein Biology or a related field is required. Laboratory experience usingmolecular techniques applied in population genetics studies is also required. Experience in the field of fish ecology is advantageous. Thesuccessful candidate should be motivated to pursuit his studies (PhD)within the area of the project.
LEGISLATION AND REGULATION: Law n.º12/2013, 29th of January (Estatuto do Bolseiro de InvestigaçãoCientífica); Regulations for Research Grants of the Foundation forScience and Technology, I.P.-2012. PLACE OF WORK: The work will be
LEGISLATION AND REGULATION: Law n.º12/2013, 29th of January (Estatuto do Bolseiro de InvestigaçãoCientífica); Regulations for Research Grants of the Foundation forScience and Technology, I.P.-2012. PLACE OF WORK: The work will be
conducted at Centro de Oceanografia, Faculty of Sciences, University ofLisbon, under the supervision of Prof. Henrique Cabral. DURATION OF THE FELLOWSHIP: The fellowship will have an initial duration of 3 months,starting from September 2013. The contract of the fellowship isrenewable for additional 12 months up to a total duration of 15 months.
MONTHLY MAINTENANCE STIPEND: The value of the monthly stipend is € 745or € 980 concordant with the degree and the tabulated values of thefellowships directly attributed by FCT I.P. in the country(http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores). SELECTION CRITERIA: The CVwill be evaluated based on the following components: final grade ofbachelor and MSc (weight: 25%); publications and communications in CV(weight: 25%); experience in the field of work (weight: 50%) according to qualifications required. The selection committee might resort topersonal interviews for final selection.
Dr. Henrique Cabral, Dr. Rita Vasconcelos e Dr. Susanne Tanner.
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS: The final results of the evaluation will bepublished CLOSING DATE: 20th of May 2013 Applications including motivation letter, CV and certificates should be sent to: hcabral@fc.ul.pt
Departamento de Biologia Animal
Centro de Oceanografia Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Departamento de Biologia Animal
Centro de Oceanografia Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: 351 21 750 08 26;
Tel: 351 21 750 08 26;
Fax: 351 21 750 02 07; e-mail:hcabral@fc.ul.pt http://webpages.fc.ul.pt/~hncabral/
2013_06: CDD en modélisation au Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Deadline : 4 juin 2013