[dépassé] 2012_06 : FNFC project manager, Fisheries Planning and Policy
Deadline: 22 Juin 2012
Description du poste ici
Deadline: 22 Juin 2012
Description du poste ici
Associate Position Department of Biology – James Madison University
IFREMER: VSC Halieutique/Génétique des populations, Ile de la Réunion
Microbial controls on organic nitrogen cycling
Ecological modeling, time-series, and ecosystem management Post-Doc in Environmental Flows
Sujet de thèse financé/Ecole Doctorale Université de La Réunion
13 funded 3-year jobs with PhD-level training
PhD in plankton ecolog
NFDS Africa is looking for a Project Officer to work with a small office based in the outskirts of Gaborone, Botswana.
NFDS Africa is a Fisheries and Natural Resources consultancy company that works mainly on fisheries and development projects within Africa. These are usually implemented on behalf of and/or funded by inter‐governmental organizations (such as the UN, World Bank, African Union, SADC, and the EU) and/or national development agencies (such as DFID and NORAD) or by NGOs or private clients. NFDS Africa is a sister company to Nordenfjeldske Development Services (NFDS) of Norway and the two companies work in close cooperation.
Our portfolio of projects is varied; some have been on‐going for more than five years, while others are shorter term. The scope of our current portfolio includes; assisting Mozambique to monitor and control their fishery sector; co‐ordination of the Stop Illegal Fishing Working Group (www.stopillegalfishing.com); working with Liberia in their fisheries sector governance and management; developing national, regional and pan‐African fishery policy; coordinating actions and regional cooperation against illegal fishing; developing strategic plans for inland and marine fisheries; analysis of fisheries access agreements; working towards climate change adaptation and disaster risk management for fishers; general fisheries training and developing training material; and preparation, and evaluation of projects.
L’ULCO ouvre une campagne de recrutement d’ATER
du 21 mai 2012 au 8 juin 2012
date de réception des dossiers à la
DRH BUREAU DES ENSEIGNANTS (cachet de la poste faisant foi).
Les candidats devront obligatoirement candidater sur la base de recrutement de l’ULCO: https://recrutements-enseignants.extranet.univ-littoral.fr/ et nous faire parvenir impérativement les pièces demandées pour le 8 juin 2012 (cachet de la poste faisant foi) à l’adresse suivante :
Division des Ressources Humaines – Bureau des enseignants
1 place de l’Yser
BP 1022
59375 Dunkerque cedex 1
Nouveau poste de Volontaire International en Administration » (VIA, ex. VCI) dans le cadre du LMI DISCOH pour une affectation à Lima, Pérou à partir de septembre 2012. LIRE LA SUITE –>
Deadline : Mai 2012
University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Responsibilities: The overall objective of this project is to link ecosystem function to distributional and community shifts that occur in response to hypoxia in a temperate fjord. This project will combine seasonal acoustic and net sampling of fish and zooplankton through a hypoxic cycle with energetic-based ecosystem modeling. We are interested in examining how hypoxia affects energy flow from mesozooplankton to pelagic fish. The post-doc will lead the acoustic-midwater sampling in Hood Canal, WA to investigate seasonal composition, abundance, and distribution shifts in the pelagic fish community. The successful applicant will review recent literature, plan and execute pelagic fish sampling trips, and process and analyze acoustic-midwater trawl data. The post-doc will be responsible for field planning logistics, sampling design, and data archiving. The post-doc will analyze results, and summarize them in the form of reports, refereed journal publications, and/or meeting presentations and seminars.
Qualifications: Ph.D. in quantitative fisheries, biology, zoology, or a closely related field.
Essential: experience in fisheries acoustics (survey design, data acquisition, data processing), statistical methods, ability to effectively communicate in both written and oral formats, and the ability to work well both collaboratively and independently.
Desirable: Familiarity with bioenergetics modeling, coastal oceanography principles, experience exploring and analyzing biological/ecological time series data, and familiarity with basic biological, ecological and fisheries-oceanography and marine science principles.
This is a two year position. Preferred starting date May 2012, but position will remain open until filled.
Interested persons should send CV, letter of intent including names and contact information for 3 references via email to Dr. John Horne, University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences: jhorne@uw.edu.
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