Reasearh unit Amure-Ifremer (Brest, France)[1] is looking for a postdoc to help develop the analysis of market mechanisms and structures that affect the interactions between fisheries harvesting and food consumption with an application to scallop fisheries.
This post-doctoral position will be involved in the Comanche project (Ecosystem interactions and anthropogenic impacts on king scallop populations in the English Channel) funded by the French national research agency. The aim is to study the interactions between fisheries management regimes and economic performance of king scallop supply chains, from fleets to consumers in a context of internationalization of scallop markets. The objective is to analyse the drivers of price formation, rent sharing and the impact on the sustainability of the fisheries. This work will be based on ongoing analysis of management regimes in the different fisheries, the description and study of the economic performance of the Channel shellfish fleets, as well as the characterization of the marketing channels and their organisational structure. It is expected to catch through quantitative analysis, the relative influence of the fisheries regulations and supply chain organization on the dynamics of the system. Depending on the results, it will possible to include
The position is for 12 months, starting 2012-10-01, starting date is negotiable.
Preferably, you have a background in economics with a particular interest in supply chains, industrial organisation, markets and analysis of trade data but a marine background and interest in the topic to explore methodologies to address the question is also welcome. Experience in economic or bioeconomic aspects of fisheries and familiarity with the topic of global markets, trade is required. Experience in quantitative statistics and relevant methodologies is meriting.
For more information about the position and the project please contact
Olivier Guyader (+33298224393) Email: , copy to jmehur@ifremer,
Please join a CV and a letter for application