[deadline 25 November 2012]
Environmental policies and productivity growth [ref: ECO_8]
OECD Young Professionals Programme
Host: Economics Department (ECO), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Horizontal collaboration: Environment Directorate (ENV) and Science, Technology and Industry Directorate (STI)
Job description:
A good understanding of the relationship between environmental policies and economic growth is vital for policy-makers aiming to achieve greener growth. In this context, this project has two goals: to construct a set of cross-country indicators on environmental policies; and then to use these indicators in assessing the influence of environmental policies on productivity growth in countries, sectors and at the firm level. The project will contribute to a broader set of work across the OECD, in particular to mainstreaming green growth into the OECD’s economic surveys and country surveillance. The results will be discussed in committees of the Directorates involved.
You will directly contribute to designing the structure of environmental policy indicators and the collection of the missing data. Using these newly created indicators, you will apply and further develop your experience of panel data econometrics to perform empirical analysis of the effects of environmental policies on productivity growth across countries. You will also be involved in drafting a paper summarising the results. You will work under the supervision of a Senior Economist, jointly between the Economics Department (ECO) and the Environment Directorate (ENV), and have the opportunity to closely co-operate with experts from different Directorates in directly related fields such as innovation and productivity (Chiara Criscuolo, STI), environmental policy (Nick Johnstone, ENV) and regulation (Giuseppe Nicoletti, ECO).
How to apply:
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply through the generic YPP posting, citing ref: ECO_8 in the online application form titled « Skills and Prescreening questions », here:https://oecd.taleo.net/careersection/ext/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=08391
More information on the YPP programme at the OECD and how to apply: