PhD-position (4 years) available at the University of Tromsø (Norway) that will be related to the Salmotrack project – Mapping ocean migration of Atlantic salmon.
See the information below.
See the information below.
Please forward this to any possible good candidates or colleges that might know of any possible applicants. Deadline for applications is the 10th October and information on how to apply is given in the link below.
Link to the advertisement: (you can change language to either Norwegian or English in the top right corner)
Modeling ocean migration of Atlantic salmon
The four-year project period should be utilized for researcher education that normally culminates in the awarding of a PhD degree. The project will be connected to a study (Salmotrack) at AMB of the ocean migrations of Atlantic salmon. The main goal is to analyze both already collected data and new data to obtain new knowledge of the migration routes and behavior of Atlantic salmon in the ocean, and how this correlates to factors that may affect their mortality. The project is planned to include: i) mapping the migration routes of salmon at sea, ii) studies of annual variation in utilization of ocean feeding areas of salmon, iii) investigating factors that affect their mortality at sea, and finally iv) test if sea bird nesting success can be used to predict salmon returning abundance. The project work is basic ecological research, combining both freshwater and marine disciplines, but the project is also management relevant. The PhD-student is therefore expected to work on a wide variety of methods and must during the project period master modelling and statistical analysis of large datasets and electronic tracking methods (telemetry). The project will be closely connected to an on-going project, as well as include cooperation with other scientist and research institutes. The PhD-project is planned to start in spring 2014.